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04 Jul 2017

RSA 入门介绍及应用


26 Oct 2016

Playing Online Audio in iOS

Though we are talking about using AVPlayer(iOS) for playing online audio here, I found that if the server-side has the wrong configuration, Android might have the same problem, too.

13 Jun 2016


Sometimes we are confused about the firing of viewAppear/Disappear.

Basically, they are fired when super-view is on-screen/off-screen. (You can set a breakpoint to check the stack)

What’s more, we feel like some ViewControllers just don’t get the viewAppear/Disappear message, we can find out why.

Don’t AddSubview Before ParentViewController Appear ?

Occasionally we have logics in viewDidAppear like adding a observer & remove it in viewDidDisappear.

** Don’t do it in WillAppear/WillDisappear, because they are not pairing fired in some circumstance.**

e.g. During interactive transitioning

27 Apr 2016


ICPatternLock is a screen lock for your app access. It’s familiar to most people and intuitively clear, because a pattern is much more easy to remember. What is more, it’s also convenient for developers to use, of course, and to extend.

Pod is supported, try to add this to your Podfile

    pod 'ICPatternLock', :git => 'https://github.com/IvanChan/ICPatternLock.git'

Convenience Usage

If you don’t care much about the view display and some interactions, just use the ICPatternLockManager to present the pattern lock and receive the result. Of cource you can cusomize your GUI(e.g. color & text & preference) in this way. </br>All what you need to do is just run your logic in the callback block. </br>Check out the Demo Project to experience this.

25 Nov 2015

Hello World

Finally show up here. I'm still a idiot with Jekyll. So let's do this classically.

26 Jan 2014